So Many Characters!
Having a hard time remembering who is who?
If you get confused just look here for an explanation of each character and how they relate to one another. Then create a character web showing relationships to one another. Click on the links throughout the page to gather more information about the characters.
The Montague Family and related characters:
Lord Montague: Mortal enemy of the Capulet family and father to Romeo.
Lady Montague: Wife of Lord Montague, mother of Romeo.
Romeo Montague: Son to Lord and Lady Montague. One of the protagonists, he falls in love with Juliet Capulet at a masquerade, but this causes trouble due to the Montague/ Capulet feud.
Benvolio: Nephew of Romeo's father.
Mercutio: Friend of Romeo who is killed by Tybalt, resulting in Romeo killing Tybalt in revenge.
Balthasar: Romeo's Servant.
Abraham: a servingman of the Montagues.
Friar Laurence: Romeo's older friend who is involved in Romeo and Juliet's attempt to run away.
Apothecary: A man who looks like a skeleton, he sells Romeo the poison that Romeo commits suicide with.
The Capulet Family and related characters:
Lord Capulet: Father of Juliet. Wants her to marry Count Paris, but is unaware that she is already secretly married to Romeo.
Lady Capulet: Mother of Juliet, she supports Juliet's father on the issues of marriage.
Juliet Capulet: A young girl who falls in love with Romeo Montague at a masquerade and marries him in secret.
Tybalt: Nephew of Lady Capulet, he is killed by Romeo in a fight.
Pertruccio: The page of Tybalt.
Nurse: Juliet's nurse and mother figure who she turns to for advice and help.
Count Paris: a suitor of Juliet, liked by Lord Capulet but hated by Juliet.
Peter: A servingman of the Capulets.
Samson: A servingman of the Capulets.
Gregory: A servingman of the Capulets.
Prince Escalus: The Prince of Verona, he provides for law and order. After Tybalt is killed he banishes Romeo and orders the families to cease their feud.
Family feud ends in graveyard drama. 3 die. Priest implicated!
Using your knowledge about the characters and the issues that may arise between them, use the link to create your own newspaper with a headline and story about two or more of the characters.
Now that you are familiar with the Montague's and Capulet's, check out Shakespeare's Family Tree.