Shakespeare Vocabulary...

HELP! I don't get it.

Enkindle:  encourage, tempt
Ere:  before
Fantastical:  imaginary, not real
Gall:  bitterness
God dild us:  God reward us
Marry:  indeed
Maw:  mouth

Muse: to wonder
Peevish: silly, childish
Pregnant: clever, quick witted
Pretence: project, scheme
Prig: a thief

Quatch-buttock: flat butt
Quean: wench, hussy
Quell: murder
Quicken: to give life to
Rival: companion
Round: straight forward, blunt
Rudesby: a rude fellow
Renege: to deny
Rede: counsel, advice
Thrall: a slave
True-penny: an honest fellow
Unsifted: untried, inexperienced Waft: to beckon
Welkin: the blue, the sky
Wise-woman: a witch
Wreakful: vengeful
Yarely: readily, quickly
Yearn: to grieve

Accompt:  agreement
Bodkin:  a dagger
Hence:  away, there
Hent:  a cut with a sword
Hold!:  Stop!
Discarouse:  drink, to drink a toast Tempered:  diseased
Ecstasy:  madness
Dudgeon: a dagger handle
Forspeak: to speak out against
Geck: fool
Generous: noble

Helpless: useless, not helping
Honest: chaste
Honesty: chastity
Hot-house: a brothel
Index: introduction
Kin: nature
Laboursome: elaborate, involved
Laced mutton: a highter class floozy, a courtesay
List: imperative form of Listen Mirable: admirable
Misdread: fear of evil
Misprison: mistake
Misthink: to misjudge
Oathable: capable of taking an oath
Owe: to own, possess

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